Edge Computing Gateway Enables Smart Tank Farm Management

The Smart Oil Depot Management solution launched by IOTROUTER combines Edge Computing Gateway and IoT platform technology to achieve real-time monitoring and supervision of oil depot gas, oil level detection and well site, improve timely fault identification, reduce cost and protect personnel safety.Edge Computing Gateway Enables Smart Tank Farm Management

Intelligent oil depot management system is a management mode based on advanced technology to comprehensively manage and monitor the operation, storage and sales of oil depots. It establishes a real-time monitoring and management system by means of early warning and prediction through the integration of various sub-systems and data analysis, realises the intelligent application of oil depot operation and operation management, and improves the level of automation and intelligence.

IOTROUTER launches the intelligent oil depot management solution, which uses edge computing gateway + IoT platform, combining information collection, transmission and processing technology, remote monitoring, wireless information transmission, big data transmission and processing technology, etc., to achieve gas and oil level detection of oil depots and real-time detection and supervision of wells, improve the timeliness of fault identification, and also improve the efficiency of oilfield extraction, reduce costs and add value, and safeguard the safety of personnel and operations. Safety of operation.

1. Solve The Pain Points

The traditional oil storage tank management system has a wide range of distribution space, high safety and explosion-proof requirements, many monitoring points, complex wiring, automation system is not mature, vertical integration is difficult and other pain points.

In contrast, the smart oil depot management solution adopts the 1+1 technical means of edge computing gateway and IoT platform to complete the comprehensive management and monitoring of the oil depot, improve management efficiency and reduce operational risks.

2. Edge Computing Gateway

Edge computing gateway EG8000mini obtains data from sensors of flammable gas and oil level through RS485 serial port, and transmits the data to Thingkit platform through wireless, which then processes the data and forwards the data of gas monitoring, oil level, alarm information, etc., to the automated management platform of the oil depot.

3. IoT Platform

Through the PaaS service provided by ThingsKit IoT platform, it realises the unified management of different devices and data sources, analyzes the data, finds out the hidden dangers in time, and pushes the alarm information to the management personnel, so as to find out the hidden dangers or accidents in time to guarantee the safety of the site and reduce the loss.

The whole intelligent oil depot management system adopts advanced measurement and control and information processing technology, around the automatic measurement, monitoring and alarm of the oil storage tank area, the design of the oil storage tank area monitoring and data acquisition system, to improve the current situation of high labour intensity of the tank measurement, poor operating environment, backward management means, and to provide data acquisition support for the automated management system of the oil depot.

The traditional oil depot storage tank area is widely distributed, with high safety and explosion-proof requirements, many monitoring points and complexity, which makes it difficult for personnel to find potential dangers during inspection. Intelligent oil depot management programme, on the other hand, effectively reduces safety and environmental risks through the functions of automatic safety monitoring, management and metering system of the tank area, video monitoring system and perimeter alarm system.Edge Computing Gateway Enables Smart Tank Farm Management

1. Real-time monitoring: The IOT platform processes the data and transmits it to the management platform in real time for backup or alarm operations.

2. Intelligent alarm: According to the set safety threshold, when various parameters are close to the dangerous value, it will automatically send out an early warning signal and support WeChat, SMS, email, sound and light lamp notification to quickly notify the management personnel at all levels.

3. Unified management: The geographical location, equipment quantity, operation status, storage inventory and other information of multiple tank farms are synchronised in the large screen generated by ThingsKit.

4. High safety: Timely warning of dangerous situations safeguards the safety of the oil depot and moreover protects the personal safety of the staff.

Through the IOTROUTER intelligent oil depot management solution, the operation, storage and sales of the oil depot are comprehensively managed and monitored. The solution uses edge computing gateway and IoT platform technology to achieve gas and oil level detection as well as real-time monitoring and supervision of the well site, which improves the timeliness of fault identification, improves the efficiency of oilfield extraction, reduces costs, and protects the operational safety of personnel. It provides reliable data collection support for the automated management system of the oil depot and lays the foundation for the intelligent application of the oil depot.


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