IoT-устройства промышленного класса в сравнении с обычными IoT-устройствами

The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we interact with devices. From consumer electronics to industrial machinery, IoT is already being used in various fields. However, there are significant differences between ordinary IoT devices and industrial-grade IoT devices. This article takes a closer look at these differences.IoT-устройства промышленного класса в сравнении с обычными IoT-устройствами

1. Functionality and Usage: While regular IoT devices are typically used for consumer purposes, Industrial IoT (IIoT) devices are used in industrial applications such as manufacturing, supply chain monitoring, and management systems. A consumer IoT device may have the same functionality as an industrial IoT device, but it may not be considered an industrial product.

2. Ruggedness: IIoT devices are industrial-strength. They need to survive environments that consumers don’t typically encounter, such as extreme humidity and temperatures, highly corrosive environments, and even explosive and flammable environments.

3. Масштабируемость: Industrial networks are large networks that support tens of thousands of controllers, robots, machinery and other applications. Industrial IoT solutions deployed into these networks must scale seamlessly to support tens of thousands of new sensors, devices and controllers.

4. Безопасность: Security is critical for all IoT solutions, but Industrial IoT solutions require stronger measures. Disruptions to high-volume manufacturing processes or power grids can have serious consequences, requiring advanced safety measures.

5. Interoperability: IIoT solutions must coexist and integrate with a host of legacy operational technologies (OT), including SCADA, M2M, and other specialized manufacturing execution systems.

6. Unique Communications and Power Requirements: Industrial IoT devices have unique connectivity and power requirements that differentiate them from consumer IoT devices.IoT-устройства промышленного класса в сравнении с обычными IoT-устройствами

In summary, while general IoT devices and industrial IoT devices have some things in common, they are designed for different environments and have different requirements. Understanding these differences is critical when planning an IoT solution, whether for consumer use or industrial applications.


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